9.6 编译日志

与内联一样,我们可以通过编译参数 -m 来反馈编译器的逃逸分析结果。将下列代码保存到文件 main.go 中:

package main

type T struct {
    Name string

func escapeAnalysis(arg T) (*T, bool) {
    l1 := arg
    l1.Name = "Golang"

    l2 := &l1
    l3 := *l2
    return &l3, arg.Name == "Java"

通过命令 go tool compile -G=3 -m -json "0,file:///tmp/main.json" main.go 进行编译,可以看到如下输出:

main.go:7:21: leaking param: arg
main.go:12:2: moved to heap: l3

可见只有变量 l3 逃逸到了堆上,与上文中我们分析的一致。

文件 /tmp/main.json 也会包含相关信息。其中 -m 对应的数字越大,日志就越详细,例如我们通过命令 go tool compile -G=3 -m=2 -json "0,file:///tmp/main.json" main.go 编译时,得到的结果如下:

main.go:12:2: l3 escapes to heap:
main.go:12:2:   flow: ~r1 = &l3:
main.go:12:2:     from &l3 (address-of) at main.go:13:9
main.go:12:2:     from return &l3, arg.Name == string(“Java”) (return) at main.go:13:2
main.go:7:21: parameter arg leaks to l3 with derefs=0:
main.go:7:21:   flow: l1 = arg:
main.go:7:21:     from l1 := arg (assign) at main.go:8:5
main.go:7:21:   flow: l2 = &l1:
main.go:7:21:     from &l1 (address-of) at main.go:11:8
main.go:7:21:     from l2 := &l1 (assign) at main.go:11:5
main.go:7:21:   flow: l3 = *l2:
main.go:7:21:     from *l2 (indirection) at main.go:12:8
main.go:7:21:     from l3 := *l2 (assign) at main.go:12:5
main.go:7:21: leaking param: arg
main.go:12:2: moved to heap: l3

其中 -m -m-m=2 效果一样,当 -m=4 时,日志还会打印出内联前后的 IR Tree 结构,读者可以自己尝试。

